Discover the Ibity Massif

Antsirabe and the Highlands of Madagascar

Ibity Massif
Village in the Ibity Massif
Located 25 km from the city of Antsirabe, behind a rocky and spectacular landscape, the Ibity Massif is currently one of the major sites in the Vakinankaratra region. It is renowned for its floral, faunal, geological, and cultural riches.

More than 280 plant species have been identified in the Ibity Massif to date, among them three endemic families: Astoropelacae, Kaliphorecae, Sarcolaenaceae (see: Endemic Flora of the Ibity Massif).

Rich in fauna as well, it is home to mammals, birds, invertebrates, amphibians, and reptiles such as "The Furcifer," which is one of the most well-known endemic species of Ibity (see: Endemic Fauna of the Ibity Massif).

The summit of the Ibity Massif, reaching 2254 m, is the highest of the rocky outcrops in Madagascar. The Ibity Massif harbors semi-precious stones mainly quartz, beryl, and tourmaline.

In addition to spectacular landscapes: waterfalls, natural pools, caves, the massif is home to renowned cultural sites: royal tombs, Vazimba tomb, Rova (Royal Palace).

Tours in the Ibity Massif

Staying in Ibity: Village Tourism

  • Village Tourism in Ibity

  • Village Tourism in Ibity
    Ravaka Lodge

  • Ibity Madagascar

    Location of the Ibity Massif in Vakinankaratra